0 Highway 603
Parcel Number
Booth, Randy W
Account #
Assessed Value
Taxes Owed

Print General Information
Parcel Number
0 Highway 603
Use Code
91 Residential Land - Undivided
Current Use
Total Acres
Booth, Randy W
Po Box 788
Winlock, WA 98596
Tax Payer
Booth, Randy W
Po Box 788
Winlock, WA 98596
Partial Legal Description
Section 28 Township 12N Range 02W PT NE4 NW4
Print Property Values
Tax Year Assessed Value
2025 $6,600
2024 $5,900
2023 $4,800
2022 $3,800
2021 $3,300
2020 $2,500
2019 $2,200
2018 $2,200
2017 $2,000
2016 $2,000
2015 $4,000
2014 $400
2013 $400
2012 $400
2011 $500
2010 $500
2009 $500
2008 $500
2007 $500
2006 $500
2005 $500
2004 $500
2003 $500
2002 $500
2001 $500
2000 $500
1999 $500
1998 $500
1997 $500
1996 $500
1995 $500
Print Sales History
Date Amount
11/03/2008 $500
Print Charge History

Current Balance

Year Description Amount

Past Charges

Year Description Amount
2024 Principal 36.23
State Forest Patrol Principal 23.50
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2024 (Levy Details) 70.23
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.472641792607 8.68
Roads 1.200592445764 7.08
Winlock SD #232 - General 0.949678293285 5.6
County Regular 0.901386038186 5.31
State Treas-Tax Levies Part B 0.787326202162 4.64
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.363005691289 2.14
Timberland Library 0.234024000000 1.38
Winlock SD #232 - Cap Imp and Repair 0.178833971633 1.05
Cemetery Dist #1 0.051870652410 0.3
Total 6.139359087336 36.22
2023 Principal 30.59
State Forest Patrol Principal 23.50
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2023 (Levy Details) 64.09
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.526150620700 7.32
Roads 1.247707400104 5.98
Winlock SD #232 - General 0.979136015457 4.69
County Regular 0.954334735995 4.58
State Treas-Tax Levies Part B 0.816093022960 3.91
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.375925785304 1.8
Timberland Library 0.236007000000 1.13
Winlock SD #232 - Cap Imp and Repair 0.184203054297 0.88
Cemetery Dist #1 0.053619165368 0.25
Total 6.373176800185 30.59
2022 Principal 30.36
State Forest Patrol Principal 23.50
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Administrative Costs 0.75
Total for 2022 (Levy Details) 63.36
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.691331203144 6.42
Roads 1.536447811270 5.83
County Regular 1.178390265148 4.47
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 0.914841086269 3.47
Winlock SD #232 - General 0.907154129097 3.44
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 0.843091958601 3.2
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.447144056606 1.69
Timberland Library 0.287998000000 1.09
Winlock SD #232 - Cap Imp and Repair 0.131580429587 0.5
Cemetery Dist #1 0.050454871010 0.19
Total 7.988433810732 30.35
2021 Foreclosure Costs 1235.78
Delinquency Fee 100.00
Principal 31.09
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Administrative Costs 0.75
Total for 2021 (Levy Details) 1394.27
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.860283182408 6.13
Roads 1.719819570382 5.67
County Regular 1.317054924615 4.34
Winlock SD #232 - General 1.255998028397 4.14
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.180356507010 3.89
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 0.999532973039 3.29
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.500000000000 1.65
Timberland Library 0.323658000000 1.06
Winlock SD #232 - Cap Imp and Repair 0.192868710296 0.63
Cemetery Dist #1 0.068688651230 0.22
Total 9.418260547377 31.08
2020 Principal 25.18
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2020 (Levy Details) 51.08
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.003179194169 5.0
Roads 1.881573856695 4.7
County Regular 1.437323816601 3.59
Winlock SD #232 - General 1.349763790662 3.37
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.110835290269 2.77
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 1.071615533976 2.67
Fire District #15 - Maintenance & Operations 0.376585456299 0.94
Timberland Library 0.340468000000 0.85
Winlock SD #232 - Cap Imp and Repair 0.219798300587 0.54
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.205814570901 0.51
Cemetery Dist #1 0.075869717547 0.18
Total 10.072827527706 25.18
2019 Principal 22.88
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2019 (Levy Details) 48.78
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Roads 2.052051285463 4.51
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.910317669170 4.2
County Regular 1.562542743808 3.43
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.428564968361 3.14
Winlock SD #232 - General 1.411244445453 3.1
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 0.713060467397 1.56
Fire District #15 - Maintenance & Operations 0.415696519220 0.91
Timberland Library 0.362124000000 0.79
Winlock SD #232 - Cap Imp and Repair 0.246304304890 0.54
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.217762964100 0.47
Cemetery Dist #1 0.082077028511 0.18
Total 10.401746396373 22.88
2018 Principal 25.04
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Total for 2018 (Levy Details) 42.94
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.221204891005 4.88
Roads 2.027276618642 4.46
County Regular 1.766814598075 3.88
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.624774857009 3.57
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.579465893314 3.47
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 1.008058659400 2.21
Fire District #15 - Maintenance & Operations 0.453339740479 0.99
Timberland Library 0.382151000000 0.84
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.232253815746 0.51
Cemetery Dist #1 0.086649237468 0.19
Total 11.381989311138 25.04
2017 Principal 21.67
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Total for 2017 (Levy Details) 39.57
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.355252391749 4.71
Roads 2.231817706215 4.46
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.231499090343 4.46
County Regular 1.683870308671 3.36
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.606392542513 3.21
Timberland Library 0.399261000000 0.79
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.241480178436 0.48
Cemetery Dist #1 0.088544559107 0.17
Total 10.838117777034 21.67
2016 Principal 22.04
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Total for 2016 (Levy Details) 39.94
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.531902037998 5.06
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.290244774279 4.58
Roads 2.223374285629 4.44
County Regular 1.687024653423 3.37
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.536944942670 3.07
Timberland Library 0.409468000000 0.81
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.250000000000 0.5
Cemetery Dist #1 0.091338344491 0.18
Total 11.020297038490 22.04
2015 Principal 44.31
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Total for 2015 (Levy Details) 62.21
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.550627321853 10.2
Roads 2.250000000000 9.0
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.233041986609 8.93
County Regular 1.704493250494 6.81
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.590538526236 6.36
Timberland Library 0.410710000000 1.64
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.250000000000 1.0
Cemetery Dist #1 0.089360197067 0.35
Total 11.078771282259 44.31
2014 (Levy Details) 17.90
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Cemetery Dist #1 0.084241213019 0.0
County Regular 1.677299422883 0.0
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.250000000000 0.0
Roads 2.246556572863 0.0
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.267230604368 0.0
Timberland Library 0.415690000000 0.0
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.529063332155 0.0
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.124696707513 0.0
Total 10.594777852801 0.0
2013 (Levy Details) 17.90
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Cemetery Dist #1 0.082542110170 0.0
County Regular 1.594806055436 0.0
Fire District #15 - EMS 0.250000000000 0.0
Roads 2.186863576056 0.0
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.338839393119 0.0
Timberland Library 0.415000000000 0.0
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.561631679428 0.0
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.169919513141 0.0
Total 10.599602327350 0.0
2012 (Levy Details) 17.90
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Cemetery Dist #1 0.077781109505 0.0
County Regular 1.515178165940 0.0
Fire District #15- EMS 0.250000000000 0.0
Roads 2.065042972997 0.0
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.301453853619 0.0
Timberland Library 0.383000000000 0.0
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.578038963489 0.0
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.190504863821 0.0
Total 10.360999929371 0.0
2011 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 4.64
Total for 2011 (Levy Details) 22.54
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.222301678600 1.11
Winlock SD #232 - General 1.974511449914 0.98
Roads 1.754954715656 0.87
County Regular 1.554234596595 0.77
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.114988337487 0.55
Timberland Library 0.356880000000 0.17
Fire District #15- EMS 0.250000000000 0.12
Cemetery Dist #1 0.071552480817 0.03
Total 9.299423259069 4.64
2010 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 4.47
Total for 2010 (Levy Details) 22.37
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.969858663055 0.98
Roads 1.743960417787 0.87
Winlock SD #232 - General 1.566287220860 0.78
County Regular 1.549638134755 0.77
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.459236534111 0.72
Timberland Library 0.338940000000 0.16
Fire District #15- EMS 0.250000000000 0.12
Cemetery Dist #1 0.069242743722 0.03
Total 8.947163714290 4.47
2009 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 4.36
Total for 2009 (Levy Details) 22.26
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.020231727914 1.01
Roads 1.750150241319 0.87
Winlock SD #232 - General 1.557017128823 0.77
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 1.413055278116 0.7
County Regular 1.328200716672 0.66
Timberland Library 0.329200000000 0.16
Fire District #15- EMS 0.250000000000 0.12
Cemetery Dist #1 0.067805343904 0.03
Total 8.715660436748 4.35
2008 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 5.03
Total for 2008 (Levy Details) 22.93
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.179729461595 1.08
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 2.030505835635 1.01
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.002991659910 1.0
Roads 1.967399701580 0.98
County Regular 1.449713210610 0.72
Timberland Library 0.341500000000 0.17
Cemetery Dist #1 0.088373829745 0.04
Total 10.060213699075 5.03
2007 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Principal 5.29
Total for 2007 (Levy Details) 19.79
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.303118487914 1.15
Roads 2.129349554521 1.06
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 2.061127295202 1.03
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.048568825312 1.02
County Regular 1.592711092427 0.79
Timberland Library 0.390200000000 0.19
Cemetery Dist #1 0.063171944177 0.03
Total 10.588247199553 5.29
2006 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Principal 5.56
Total for 2006 (Levy Details) 20.06
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.876777904924 1.43
Roads 2.196775868449 1.09
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 2.100386077378 1.05
Winlock SD #232 - General 1.784226400202 0.89
County Regular 1.673587945455 0.83
Timberland Library 0.428400000000 0.21
Cemetery Dist #1 0.066307002894 0.03
Total 11.126461199302 5.56
2005 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Principal 5.40
Total for 2005 (Levy Details) 19.90
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.694229100744 1.34
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 2.072406822866 1.03
Roads 2.071540460326 1.03
Winlock SD #232 - General 1.795977559835 0.89
County Regular 1.650064748972 0.82
Timberland Library 0.452700000000 0.22
Cemetery Dist #1 0.066793872821 0.03
Total 10.803712565564 5.4
2004 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Principal 5.67
Total for 2004 (Levy Details) 20.57
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.749482205344 1.37
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 2.321176138288 1.16
Roads 2.085636347064 1.04
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.032645682015 1.01
County Regular 1.603531162588 0.8
Timberland Library 0.469700000000 0.23
Cemetery Dist #1 0.074093003077 0.03
Total 11.336264538376 5.66
2003 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Principal 5.61
Total for 2003 (Levy Details) 20.51
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.672926110355 1.33
Winlock SD #232 - Bond 2.248590199205 1.12
Roads 2.072328142503 1.03
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.043696029788 1.02
County Regular 1.604873334060 0.8
Timberland Library 0.481200000000 0.24
Cemetery Dist #1 0.074473882303 0.03
Total 11.198087698214 5.59
2002 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Principal 4.65
Total for 2002 (Levy Details) 19.55
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.954550255563 1.47
Roads 2.099955904366 1.04
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.042034149856 1.02
County Regular 1.635829543957 0.81
Timberland Library 0.493600000000 0.24
Cemetery Dist #1 0.073379958141 0.03
Total 9.299349811883 4.64
2001 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Principal 4.69
Total for 2001 (Levy Details) 19.59
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 3.042764420000 1.52
Roads 2.077189840000 1.03
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.061716670000 1.03
County Regular 1.619136380000 0.8
Timberland Library 0.500000000000 0.25
Cemetery Dist #1 0.074038810000 0.03
State Treas-Refund Fund 0.000750400000 0.0
Total 9.375596520000 4.68
2000 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Principal 4.91
Total for 2000 (Levy Details) 20.35
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 3.194493410000 1.59
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.270048450000 1.13
Roads 2.120195790000 1.06
County Regular 1.633361770000 0.81
Timberland Library 0.499752130000 0.24
Cemetery Dist #1 0.082321970000 0.04
State Treas-Refund Fund 0.002920480000 0.0
Refund Fund 0.000247870000 0.0
Total 9.803341870000 4.9
1999 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Principal 4.96
Total for 1999 (Levy Details) 20.40
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 3.330446410000 1.66
Winlock SD #232 - General 2.270618740000 1.13
Roads 2.100763040000 1.05
County Regular 1.628285770000 0.81
Timberland Library 0.493900000000 0.24
Cemetery Dist #1 0.084505600000 0.04
State Treas-Refund Fund 0.001474280000 0.0
Total 9.909993840000 4.95
1998 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Principal 4.80
Total for 1998 20.24
1997 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Principal 4.90
Total for 1997 20.34
1996 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.40
Principal 4.99
Total for 1996 20.39
1995 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.40
Principal 5.64
Total for 1995 21.04
Print Payment History

Payment Charges

Date Receipt # Description Amount
2020 / April 06 1733283 Property Tax Principal 25.18
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2020 / April 06 51.08
2019 / April 18 1678638 Property Tax Principal 22.88
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2019 / April 18 48.78
2018 / March 13 1589491 Property Tax Principal 25.04
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Total for 2018 / March 13 42.94
2017 / April 13 1517729 Property Tax Principal 21.67
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Total for 2017 / April 13 39.57
2016 / April 14 1439646 Property Tax Principal 22.04
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Total for 2016 / April 14 39.94
2015 / April 02 1359976 Property Tax Principal 44.31
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Total for 2015 / April 02 62.21
2014 / March 11 1277991 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
2013 / March 07 1201375 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
2012 / March 08 1127307 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
2011 / April 26 1068353 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 4.64
Total for 2011 / April 26 22.54
2010 / April 21 989311 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 4.47
Total for 2010 / April 21 22.37
2009 / April 27 922417 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 4.36
Total for 2009 / April 27 22.26
2008 / April 28 854127 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 5.03
Total for 2008 / April 28 22.93
2007 / April 23 778782 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Property Tax Principal 5.29
Total for 2007 / April 23 19.79
2006 / April 20 701475 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Property Tax Principal 5.56
Total for 2006 / April 20 20.06
2005 / April 21 633866 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Property Tax Principal 5.40
Total for 2005 / April 21 19.90
2004 / April 22 565624 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Property Tax Principal 5.67
Total for 2004 / April 22 20.57
2003 / April 17 491500 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Property Tax Principal 5.61
Total for 2003 / April 17 20.51
2002 / April 18 427919 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Property Tax Principal 4.65
Total for 2002 / April 18 19.55
2001 / April 24 370289 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Property Tax Principal 4.69
Total for 2001 / April 24 19.59
2000 / April 19 305447 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Property Tax Principal 4.91
Total for 2000 / April 19 20.35
1999 / April 22 246945 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Property Tax Principal 4.96
Total for 1999 / April 22 20.40
1998 / April 30 83795 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Property Tax Principal 4.80
Total for 1998 / April 30 20.24
1997 / April 30 83794 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Property Tax Principal 4.90
Total for 1997 / April 30 20.34
1996 / April 30 83793 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.40
Property Tax Principal 4.99
Total for 1996 / April 30 20.39
1995 / April 30 83792 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.40
Property Tax Principal 5.64
Total for 1995 / April 30 21.04
Print Building Land
Frontage Est. Depth Est. Sq.Ft. Acres Use Code Soil Class Soil Quality Forest Grade Index/Yield Location
      0.570             N
Parcel Map*

*The Parcel Map has been updated