0 Lucas Creek Rd
Parcel Number
Gemin, John & Kelly
Account #
Assessed Value
Taxes Owed

Print General Information
Parcel Number
0 Lucas Creek Rd
Use Code
88 Designated Forest Lnd
Current Use
Total Acres
Gemin, John & Kelly
828 Lucas Creek Rd
Chehalis, WA 98532
Tax Payer
Gemin, John & Kelly
828 Lucas Creek Rd
Chehalis, WA 98532
Partial Legal Description
Section 32 Township 14N Range 01E PT LT 1 3097759 PT W2 SW4 S RD
Print Property Values
Tax Year Assessed Value
2025 $66,000
2024 $60,800
2023 $89,700
2022 $79,400
2021 $64,800
2020 $54,700
2019 $46,400
2018 $41,100
2017 $1,200
2016 $1,100
2015 $1,100
2014 $54,950
2013 $59,100
2012 $59,100
2011 $90,000
2010 $90,000
2009 $90,000
2008 $90,000
2007 $39,250
2006 $39,250
2005 $39,250
2004 $39,250
2003 $39,250
2002 $39,250
2001 $39,250
2000 $19,470
1999 $17,700
1998 $17,700
1997 $17,700
1996 $17,700
1995 $17,700
1994 $950
1993 $900
1992 $800
1991 $750
1990 $700
1989 $700
Print Sales History
Date Amount
10/24/2023 $675,000
Print Charge History

Current Balance

Year Description Amount

Past Charges

Year Description Amount
2024 Principal 505.57
State Forest Patrol Principal 23.50
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2024 (Levy Details) 539.57
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 1.635209041445 99.42
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.472641792607 89.53
Roads 1.200592445764 72.99
County Regular 0.901386038186 54.8
State Treas-Tax Levies Part B 0.787326202162 47.86
Fire District #6 - General 0.766837893166 46.62
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.630159494429 38.31
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.470991394741 28.63
Timberland Library 0.234024000000 14.22
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.216139081558 13.14
Total 8.315307384058 505.57
2023 Principal 801.71
State Forest Patrol Principal 23.50
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2023 (Levy Details) 833.21
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 1.866412376514 167.41
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.526150620700 136.89
Roads 1.247707400104 111.91
County Regular 0.954334735995 85.6
State Treas-Tax Levies Part B 0.816093022960 73.2
Fire District #6 - General 0.806589062745 72.35
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.728559093405 65.35
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.500000000000 44.85
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.255820196089 22.94
Timberland Library 0.236007000000 21.16
Total 8.937673508512 801.7
2022 Principal 787.13
State Forest Patrol Principal 23.50
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2022 (Levy Details) 818.63
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.080423939854 165.18
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.691331203144 134.29
Roads 1.536447811270 121.99
County Regular 1.178390265148 93.56
Fire District #6 - General 0.925719875774 73.5
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 0.914841086269 72.63
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.826277522170 65.6
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.294049395731 23.34
Timberland Library 0.287998000000 22.86
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.178075743133 14.13
Total 9.913554842493 787.13
2021 Principal 708.20
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2021 (Levy Details) 734.10
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.262143812297 146.58
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.860283182408 120.54
Roads 1.719819570382 111.44
County Regular 1.317054924615 85.34
Fire District #6 - General 1.019843347966 66.08
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 0.999532973039 64.76
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.909863262749 58.95
Timberland Library 0.323658000000 20.97
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.323655971048 20.97
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.192972358298 12.5
Total 10.928827402802 708.18
2020 Principal 641.65
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2020 (Levy Details) 667.55
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.439003681496 133.41
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.003179194169 109.57
Roads 1.881573856695 102.92
County Regular 1.437323816601 78.62
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 1.071615533976 58.61
Fire District #6 - General 1.067319668522 58.38
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.923310246308 50.5
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.353072037752 19.31
Timberland Library 0.340468000000 18.62
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.213485435738 11.67
Total 11.730351471257 641.65
2019 Principal 504.57
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Noxious Weed Principal 8.00
Total for 2019 (Levy Details) 530.47
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Roads 2.052051285463 95.21
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.910317669170 88.63
County Regular 1.562542743808 72.5
Chehalis SD #302 - General 1.500000000000 69.6
Fire District #6 - General 1.128390908698 52.35
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.038173189940 48.17
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 0.713060467397 33.08
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.378299230180 17.55
Timberland Library 0.362124000000 16.8
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.229409957246 10.64
Total 10.874369451902 504.57
2018 Principal 503.65
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Total for 2018 (Levy Details) 521.55
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.632432163590 108.19
Roads 2.027276618642 83.32
County Regular 1.766814598075 72.61
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.624774857009 66.77
Fire District #6 - General 1.159299571913 47.64
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.038583144348 42.68
State Treas-Tax Levies 2 1.008058659400 41.43
Timberland Library 0.382151000000 15.7
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.380202003424 15.62
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.234682521778 9.64
Total 12.254275138179 503.65
2017 Current Use Removal Principal 537.06
State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 13.66
Total for 2017 (Levy Details) 568.62
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.870116769264 3.44
Roads 2.231817706215 2.67
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.231499090343 2.67
County Regular 1.683870308671 2.02
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.296270505314 1.55
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.415987260643 0.49
Timberland Library 0.399261000000 0.47
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.249627927877 0.29
Total 11.378450568327 13.65
2016 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 12.48
Total for 2016 (Levy Details) 30.38
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.928624331011 3.22
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.290244774279 2.51
Roads 2.223374285629 2.44
County Regular 1.687024653423 1.85
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.137515198847 1.25
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.423038981062 0.46
Timberland Library 0.409468000000 0.45
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.250000000000 0.27
Total 11.349290224251 12.48
2015 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 11.13
Total for 2015 (Levy Details) 29.03
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.849262105486 3.13
Roads 2.250000000000 2.47
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.233041986609 2.45
County Regular 1.704493250494 1.87
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.419258440326 0.46
Timberland Library 0.410710000000 0.45
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.250000000000 0.27
Total 10.116765782915 11.12
2014 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 11.07
Total for 2014 (Levy Details) 28.97
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.788369195818 3.06
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.267230604368 2.49
Roads 2.246556572863 2.47
County Regular 1.677299422883 1.84
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.419778501749 0.46
Timberland Library 0.415690000000 0.45
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.250000000000 0.27
Total 10.064924297681 11.07
2013 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 10.90
Total for 2013 (Levy Details) 28.80
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.707872136731 2.97
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.338839393119 2.57
Roads 2.186863576056 2.4
County Regular 1.594806055436 1.75
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.415620022383 0.45
Timberland Library 0.415000000000 0.45
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.249999997860 0.27
Total 9.909001181585 10.89
2012 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 11.14
Total for 2012 (Levy Details) 29.04
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.374613893248 2.84
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.301453853619 2.76
Roads 2.065042972997 2.47
County Regular 1.515178165940 1.81
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.396020839707 0.47
Timberland Library 0.383000000000 0.45
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.250000000000 0.3
Total 9.285309725511 11.14
2011 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 10.92
Total for 2011 (Levy Details) 28.82
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.234301069837 2.79
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.222301678600 2.77
Roads 1.754954715656 2.19
County Regular 1.554234596595 1.94
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.373609020213 0.46
Timberland Library 0.356880000000 0.44
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.243561247989 0.3
Total 8.739842328890 10.92
2010 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 10.68
Total for 2010 (Levy Details) 28.58
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.224828063157 2.73
State Treas-Tax Levies 1.969858663055 2.42
Roads 1.743960417787 2.14
County Regular 1.549638134755 1.9
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.383071297172 0.47
Timberland Library 0.338940000000 0.41
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.240296785045 0.29
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.239714692129 0.29
Total 8.690308053100 10.68
2009 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 9.81
Total for 2009 (Levy Details) 27.71
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.020231727914 2.4
Roads 1.750150241319 2.08
Chehalis SD #302 - General 1.655303038226 1.96
County Regular 1.328200716672 1.58
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.666461076815 0.79
Timberland Library 0.329200000000 0.39
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.294241809243 0.35
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.203009662902 0.24
Total 8.246798273091 9.81
2008 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Principal 10.78
Total for 2008 (Levy Details) 28.68
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.179729461595 2.59
Roads 1.967399701580 2.34
Chehalis SD #302 - General 1.773444764724 2.11
County Regular 1.449713210610 1.72
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.851707153507 1.01
Timberland Library 0.341500000000 0.4
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.319376831215 0.38
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.186048346793 0.22
Total 9.068919470024 10.79
2007 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Principal 12.75
Total for 2007 (Levy Details) 27.25
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.560119271716 3.04
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.303118487914 2.74
Roads 2.129349554521 2.53
County Regular 1.592711092427 1.89
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.038170435900 1.23
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.450000000000 0.53
Timberland Library 0.390200000000 0.46
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.250000000000 0.29
Total 10.713668842478 12.74
2006 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Principal 13.79
Total for 2006 (Levy Details) 28.29
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.876777904924 3.48
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.612975623840 3.16
Roads 2.196775868449 2.65
County Regular 1.673587945455 2.02
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.908637266154 1.09
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.450000000000 0.54
Timberland Library 0.428400000000 0.51
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.249870341805 0.3
Total 11.397024950627 13.79
2005 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Principal 13.29
Total for 2005 (Levy Details) 27.79
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.694229100744 3.36
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.271927300719 2.83
Roads 2.071540460326 2.58
County Regular 1.650064748972 2.06
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 0.812730271477 1.01
Timberland Library 0.452700000000 0.56
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.425984050015 0.53
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.247941801694 0.3
Total 10.627117733947 13.28
2004 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Principal 14.01
Total for 2004 (Levy Details) 28.91
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.749482205344 3.54
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.233589586701 2.88
Roads 2.085636347064 2.69
County Regular 1.603531162588 2.06
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.050566836909 1.35
Timberland Library 0.469700000000 0.6
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.418166506397 0.53
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.247931754636 0.31
Total 10.858604399639 14.0
2003 Principal 15.50
State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
State Forest Patrol Interest 0.15
Interest 0.15
Total for 2003 (Levy Details) 30.70
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 2.788327790826 3.73
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.672926110355 3.57
Roads 2.072328142503 2.77
County Regular 1.604873334060 2.14
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.278531936569 1.71
Timberland Library 0.481200000000 0.64
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.435239931777 0.58
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.250000000000 0.33
Total 11.583427246090 15.49
2002 Principal 16.73
State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Total for 2002 (Levy Details) 31.63
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 3.135919905982 4.31
State Treas-Tax Levies 2.954550255563 4.06
Roads 2.099955904366 2.88
County Regular 1.635829543957 2.24
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.405998500920 1.93
Timberland Library 0.493600000000 0.67
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.441039816522 0.6
Total 12.166893927310 16.72
2001 Principal 17.97
State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Total for 2001 (Levy Details) 32.87
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 3.149108150000 4.53
State Treas-Tax Levies 3.042764420000 4.38
Roads 2.077189840000 2.99
County Regular 1.619136380000 2.33
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.383814140000 1.99
Timberland Library 0.500000000000 0.72
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.430746210000 0.62
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.272618160000 0.39
State Treas-Refund Fund 0.000750400000 0.0
Total 12.476127700000 17.96
2000 Principal 17.98
State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Interest 0.18
State Forest Patrol Interest 0.15
Total for 2000 (Levy Details) 33.75
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
State Treas-Tax Levies 3.194493410000 4.58
Chehalis SD #302 - General 3.063262690000 4.39
Roads 2.120195790000 3.04
County Regular 1.633361770000 2.34
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.323580660000 1.89
Timberland Library 0.499752130000 0.71
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.419452820000 0.6
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.269921230000 0.38
State Treas-Refund Fund 0.002920480000 0.0
Refund Fund 0.000247870000 0.0
Total 12.527188850000 17.97
1999 Principal 18.16
State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Penalty 1.01
Interest 0.67
Total for 1999 (Levy Details) 35.28
Description Rate / $1000 of assessed value Amount
Chehalis SD #302 - General 3.422380450000 4.79
State Treas-Tax Levies 3.330446410000 4.66
Roads 2.100763040000 2.94
County Regular 1.628285770000 2.27
Chehalis SD #302 - Bond 1.306327160000 1.82
Timberland Library 0.493900000000 0.69
Chehalis Port Dist - General 0.412998060000 0.57
Fire District #6 - EMS 0.271464100000 0.38
State Treas-Refund Fund 0.001474280000 0.0
Total 12.968039270000 18.15
1998 Principal 16.03
State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Total for 1998 31.47
1997 Principal 15.75
State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Penalty 0.94
Interest 0.94
Total for 1997 33.07
1996 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.40
Principal 14.12
Total for 1996 29.52
1995 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.40
Principal 14.65
Total for 1995 30.05
Print Payment History

Payment Charges

Date Receipt # Description Amount
2024 / April 24 2036858 Property Tax Principal 252.78
State Forest Patrol Principal 11.75
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for 2024 / April 24 268.53
October 23 1991518 Property Tax Principal 400.86
State Forest Patrol Principal 11.75
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for October 23 416.61
April 18 1956428 Property Tax Principal 400.85
State Forest Patrol Principal 11.75
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for April 18 416.60
Total for 2023 833.21
October 20 1919075 Property Tax Principal 393.57
State Forest Patrol Principal 11.75
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for October 20 409.32
April 21 1886742 Property Tax Principal 393.56
State Forest Patrol Principal 11.75
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for April 21 409.31
Total for 2022 818.63
October 21 1848255 Property Tax Principal 354.10
State Forest Patrol Principal 8.95
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for October 21 367.05
April 23 1817075 Property Tax Principal 354.10
State Forest Patrol Principal 8.95
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for April 23 367.05
Total for 2021 734.10
October 30 1781775 Property Tax Principal 320.83
State Forest Patrol Principal 8.95
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for October 30 333.78
April 20 1742003 Property Tax Principal 320.82
State Forest Patrol Principal 8.95
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for April 20 333.77
Total for 2020 667.55
October 30 1711368 Property Tax Principal 252.29
State Forest Patrol Principal 8.95
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for October 30 265.24
April 18 1673445 Property Tax Principal 252.28
State Forest Patrol Principal 8.95
Noxious Weed Principal 4.00
Total for April 18 265.23
Total for 2019 530.47
October 22 1638072 Property Tax Principal 251.83
State Forest Patrol Principal 8.95
Total for October 22 260.78
April 18 1604039 Property Tax Principal 251.82
State Forest Patrol Principal 8.95
Total for April 18 260.77
Total for 2018 521.55
June 26 1547308 Current Use Removal Principal 537.06
April 28 1531819 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 13.66
Total for April 28 31.56
Total for 2017 568.62
2016 / April 26 1450963 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 12.48
Total for 2016 / April 26 30.38
2015 / April 24 1373389 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 11.13
Total for 2015 / April 24 29.03
2014 / April 25 1297698 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 11.07
Total for 2014 / April 25 28.97
2013 / April 25 1220700 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 10.90
Total for 2013 / April 25 28.80
2012 / April 25 1145640 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 11.14
Total for 2012 / April 25 29.04
2011 / April 27 1072240 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 10.92
Total for 2011 / April 27 28.82
2010 / April 27 997857 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 10.68
Total for 2010 / April 27 28.58
2009 / April 27 924935 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 9.81
Total for 2009 / April 27 27.71
2008 / April 25 853053 State Forest Patrol Principal 17.90
Property Tax Principal 10.78
Total for 2008 / April 25 28.68
2007 / April 20 776681 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Property Tax Principal 12.75
Total for 2007 / April 20 27.25
2006 / April 24 706920 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Property Tax Principal 13.79
Total for 2006 / April 24 28.29
2005 / April 26 638399 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.50
Property Tax Principal 13.29
Total for 2005 / April 26 27.79
2004 / April 15 560072 State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Property Tax Principal 14.01
Total for 2004 / April 15 28.91
2003 / May 27 511909 Property Tax Principal 15.50
State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
State Forest Patrol Interest 0.15
Property Tax Interest 0.15
Total for 2003 / May 27 30.70
2002 / May 06 445216 Property Tax Principal 16.73
State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Total for 2002 / May 06 31.63
2001 / April 27 376046 Property Tax Principal 17.97
State Forest Patrol Principal 14.90
Total for 2001 / April 27 32.87
2000 / May 04 320394 Property Tax Principal 17.98
State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Property Tax Interest 0.18
State Forest Patrol Interest 0.15
Total for 2000 / May 04 33.75
1999 / June 08 265451 Property Tax Principal 18.16
State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Property Tax Penalty 1.01
Property Tax Interest 0.67
Total for 1999 / June 08 35.28
1998 / April 30 171243 Property Tax Principal 16.03
State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Total for 1998 / April 30 31.47
1997 / April 30 171242 Property Tax Principal 15.75
State Forest Patrol Principal 15.44
Property Tax Interest 0.94
Property Tax Penalty 0.94
Total for 1997 / April 30 33.07
1996 / April 30 171241 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.40
Property Tax Principal 14.12
Total for 1996 / April 30 29.52
1995 / April 30 171240 State Forest Patrol Principal 15.40
Property Tax Principal 14.65
Total for 1995 / April 30 30.05
Print Building Land
Detached Structures
Structure Condition Measure 1 Measure 2
GEN-PUR-BLDG Fair 30 48
GEN-PUR-BLDG Average 36 84
Frontage Est. Depth Est. Sq.Ft. Acres Use Code Soil Class Soil Quality Forest Grade Index/Yield Location
      8.230   88   3   B   3   113  
Parcel Map*

*The Parcel Map has been updated